AI-SEO for Enterpise

▪️ Drive more revenue with our AI-SEO.

▪️ AI based growth strategy analyser.

▪️ Customize your AI-SEO plan.

▪️ Dedicated account team.

▪️ Free 24/7 Support.

Customize AI-SEO Plan

Data-Backed AI-SEO Strategies

Utilize our data-backed AI-SEO strategies to elevate your business. Employ AI-powered tools for comprehensive keyword analysis ,predictive analytics to forecast search trends, and optimize content strategies. Personalize content using AI algorithms to enhance user engagement, and leverage competitor analysis to identify opportunities. Automate content creation for SEO-optimized output. Enhance user experience with data-driven insights, utilize sentiment analysis to refine strategies, and employ AI for efficient link building. Monitor performance in real-time with AI-powered analytics and generate detailed reports to continuously refine your SEO approach.


  • ✅ Dedicated account manager with a large team to enhance your website.
    ✅ AI-SEO access, an integration merging AI, SEO, and Data Science. Where precision and accuracy merge.
    ✅ Precise ad-targeting strategy specialists to help you save ad-spend.
    ✅ 24/7 supports from your team and moderator.
    ✅ Access to vast selection of partnered publications for Press Release.
    ✅ Access to numerous SEO features.
    ✅ Service plan crafted according to your industry and needs.
  • Other Agencies

    🚫 Might hire Freelancers.....

    Account manager that will require your time to monitor and strategize for them.
    ❌ Utilize outdated backlinking strategies. Lacks data for analyzing competitors and algorithms.
    ❌ Demands significant ad-spend for audience recognition.
    ✅ Availability restricted to operating hours. Often ineffective with urgent concerns.
    ❌Press Releases are not perceived as a vital component.
    ❌ Limited attributes as per their budget.
    ❌ Delivers same services across all industries and niches.
  • In-House SEO

    🚫Hiring, training, and managing.....

    ✅ Account manager, but consumes substantial time, resources, and energy.
    ❌ Functions solely on strategies provided utilizing outdated methods. Limited access to current technology.
    ❌ Demands significant funding for ad-spend, payroll, and technology.
    ✅ Not responsible if something stops functioning after clocking out.
    ❌ Limited access to publications for Press Releases.
    ❌ Access to features based on your budget.
    ✅ Tailored to your field, yet restricted to their industry knowledge.

Collapsible content






Other agencies

Number of Keywords 200 370 450
Target page optimized 200 370 450
Weekly performance report 2 4 5
SEMrush fixes Upto 500 Pages Upto 700 pages Upto 1,000 pages ✅ (10% less)
Architectural fixes
  • Silo
  • In-links
  • Internal links
  • Silo
  • In-links
  • Internal links
  • Data-driven gephi
  • Silo In-links
  • Internal links
  • Data-driven gephi
  • YMYL
Screaming Frog fixes Upto 500 pages Upto 700 pages Upto 1,000 pages ✅ (10% less)
GTmetrix fixes Across 4 test locations Across 6 test locations Across 7 test locations
PSI fixes Yes Yes Yes
TTFB fixes Yes Yes Yes
Pingdom fixes Yes Yes Yes
On-page SEO 18 segments 28 segments 35 segments ✅ (60% less)
GYC's Advanced SEO 18 modules 28 modules 35 modules
GYC's AI-SEO Yes Yes Yes
Advanced link building Upto 12 Upto 23 Upto 35
High DA backlinks 800 2100 2800 ✅ (30% less)
High DF backlinks 120 250 320 ✅ (30% less)
NAPs building 80 160 210
GMB optimization Yes Yes Yes
Algorithm updates 5 10 12 ✅ (60% less)
Content Optimization Upto 16 pages Upto 27 pages Upto 35 pages ✅ (20% less)
Graphic submission 20 45 60 ✅ (40% less)
PPT submission 20 45 60 ✅ (40% less)
PDF submission 20 45 60 ✅ (80% less)
Podcast submission 7 15 20 ✅ (20% less)
WEB 2.0 content submission 32 64 80 ✅ (40% less)
Competitor backlinks 5 17 22 ✅ (80% less)
Social posting 8 16 20 ✅ (10% less)
Structural data implementation (AI-SEO) Upto 20 pages Upto 60 pages Upto 80 pages
Structural data implementation (SEO) Upto 20 pages Upto 60 pages Upto 80 pages
Press release 2 7+ 10+
Business intelligence Add-on Add-on Add-on
Competitive intelligence Add-on Add-on Add-on
GAP analysis Upto 12 competitors Upto 18 competitors Upto 22 competitors ✅ (80% less)
GAP strategies Add-on Add-on Add-on
SWOT strategies Add-on Add-on Add-on
Skyscraper Technique  Add-on Add-on Add-on
Weekly updates Yes Yes Yes
Reputation management Add-on Add-on Add-on
Penalty recovery Add-on Manual penalty Manual penalty
.edu submission 8 15 20
High TLD links 8 15 20
Link wheel 2 4 5
SEnuke TNG implementation 2 4 5
Tiered links 2 4 5
Keyword drop analysis Add-on Yes (Quick recovery in 15 days) Yes (Quick recovery in 5 days)
Search console optimization
  • Basic coverage issues
  • Mobility issue
  • Excluded fixes
  • Removal optimization
  • Basic coverage issues
  • Mobility issue
  • Excluded fixes
  • Removal optimization
  • Product fixes
  • Mobility
  • Sitemap
  • Basic coverage issues
  • Mobility issue
  • Excluded fixes
  • Removal optimization
  • Product fixes
  • Mobility
  • Sitemap
  • Coverage
Proactive analysis Add-on Add-on Add-on
Real time support 24/7 24/7 24/7
SAAS based SEO automations Add-on Add-on Add-on
Manual SEO implementation Yes Yes Yes


Number of Keywords to Target:

Determining the appropriate number of keywords is crucial for successful search engine optimization (SEO). Keywords act as gateways for users on search engines, encapsulating the core of your content. Strategic keyword utilization improves your chances of achieving high rankings on Google. However, maintaining a balance is key; targeting too many keywords may dilute efforts, while a focused selection enhances content relevance.

Product / Category / Service Pages Optimization:

E-commerce websites rely on effective organic search results for visibility. A well-structured enterprise SEO strategy, including optimization of product, category, and service pages, is imperative. These optimizations work together to secure higher search engine rankings, improve user experience, and ultimately increase the conversion rate. Successful SEO configurations and tactics significantly impact online visibility and competitiveness for e-commerce sites.

Weekly Performance Reports:

Weekly performance reports are integral to project management and team assessment. They provide a summary of the previous week's accomplishments, offering insights into each activity's contribution to overall tasks and goals. These reports are valuable tools for managers, aiding in tracking team performance and identifying areas for improvement. By presenting a comprehensive overview of weekly achievements, they play a crucial role in keeping projects on course.

SEMrush Fixes:

SEMrush Fixes aim to refine On-Page SEO by targeting identified errors through the On-Page SEO Checker. This tool scans campaign landing pages, suggesting strategies to address issues. The SEMrush Fixes report empowers website owners to update pages and keywords, review suggestions, and streamline SEO tactics. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing website performance and elevating search engine rankings.

Architectural Fixes:

A website's architecture lays the foundation for effective SEO. In the context of SEO, establishing correct site architecture is advantageous. Architectural fixes are crucial for optimizing the website structure, ensuring it's search engine friendly. Whether requiring minor adjustments or a comprehensive overhaul, addressing architectural issues significantly impacts search visibility and user experience.

Screaming Frog Fixes:

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider identifies common SEO issues through website crawling. Screaming Frog Fixes then resolves these errors, from broken links to missing meta tags. Enhancing on-site SEO improves site performance, contributing to higher search engine rankings.

Gtmetrix Fixes:

Gtmetrix evaluates website loading speed using Google Page Speed and YSlow metrics. This tool assigns scores and offers recommendations to enhance loading times. Addressing Gtmetrix Fixes improves website user experience, search engine ranking, and overall competitiveness.

PSI Fixes Mobile + Desktop:

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) assesses web page performance on mobile and desktop. It identifies areas needing improvement and provides valuable recommendations. Addressing PSI Fixes is crucial for creating a faster and more efficient web experience, paramount for SEO success.

TTFB Fixes:

Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures a browser’s connection and page download initiation time. Lower TTFB signifies faster performance. TTFB Fixes focus on optimizing server response times, enhancing website speed and user experience.

Pingdom Fixes:

Pingdom provides insights into website availability and performance. Regularly monitoring Pingdom data and addressing emerging issues ensures an optimal user experience, maintaining online competitiveness. Correcting problems identified by Pingdom ensures website accessibility and responsiveness.

Complete On-page SEO:

An on-page audit report is a crucial tool in our SEO toolkit, allowing systematic analysis and optimization of every website page. This ensures fine-tuning according to best practices, making certain that each landing page meets the highest SEO standards. Our approach involves making page-by-page adjustments, adhering to industry-leading practices. 

GrowYourCorp’s Advanced SEO Exclusive:

For advanced digital marketing, GrowYourCorp is your trusted partner. Our dedicated team employs cutting-edge strategies to meet your digital marketing needs and maximize ROI. With a focus on AI-based SEO, our experts provide insights to enhance your digital marketing strategies, ensuring remarkable results. Trust GrowYourCorp for unparalleled expertise in the digital marketing landscape.

AI-Based SEO Exclusive:

Explore the potential of significantly boosting your agency’s revenue through GrowYourCorp’s specialized AI-based SEO services. Our experts utilize artificial intelligence to enhance your digital marketing strategies, delivering remarkable results. Partner with GrowYourCorp to stay ahead in the competitive realm of digital marketing.

GrowYourCorp’s Advanced Link Building Exclusive:

Elevate your search engine rankings with ThatWare’s advanced link-building packages tailored to diverse business requirements. Crafted for enduring results, our packages offer quality link-building solutions at discounted rates.

High DA Backlinks:

Specializing in creating high-authority backlinks manually, we boost your website's ranking. Our backlinks from Domain Authority (DA) 40 to 90+ sites, with significant monthly traffic, propel your website to top search engine rankings, even in competitive markets.

High DF Backlinks:

Supercharge your SEO with quality Dofollow (DF) backlinks. Our packages efficiently secure top rankings on Google's first page. This safe, quick, and cost-effective method ensures your website's efficient climb in search engine rankings.

NAPs Building:

Ensure a consistent appearance of your business’s NAP (name, address, phone number) across the digital landscape. We establish optimal NAPs for all services, ensuring consistency on your website, off-page listings, and social media accounts.

GMB Optimization:

An optimized Google My Business (GMB) page is critical for improved online visibility. It enables Google to better understand your business, enhancing your chances of appearing in a broader range of searches. Trust GrowYourCorp for effective GMB optimization. 

Algorithm Updates:

Stay ahead of search engine algorithm updates with GrowYourCorp. We align our SEO processes according to the latest updates from Google, ensuring your website remains in sync with the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization.

Content Optimization:

Content optimization is vital for reaching a wider audience. By incorporating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and title tags, your content becomes more accessible to search engines. Trust GrowYourCorp for well-written, search engine-friendly content that ranks higher and attracts your desired readership.

Graphic Submissions (Image/Infographic):

Graphic submissions, including images and infographics, are contemporary and effective SEO strategies. Sharing visually engaging content enhances your content’s appeal, driving more engagement across various online platforms. Leverage the power of graphics for improved SEO efforts with GrowYourCorp. 

PPT Submission:

PPT submission is an inbound marketing tactic to generate referral traffic. Sharing PowerPoint presentations on authoritative platforms like Slideshare boosts visibility, ranking well for specific keywords. Leverage this strategy to enhance online visibility and attract more visitors with GrowYourCorp. 

PDF Submission:

PDF submission is a potent off-page SEO strategy using backlinks to enhance website visibility. Submitting optimized PDF documents to multiple sites improves search engine ranking, attracting organic traffic. Trust GrowYourCorp for effective PDF submission, enhancing online presence. 

Podcast Submission:

Podcast submission is an effective SEO technique to increase website traffic and secure quality backlinks. Sharing podcasts strategically enhances visibility, attracting a new audience and boosting website authority. Choose GrowYourCorp for effective podcast submission strategies.

Web 2.0 Content Submission:

Web 2.0 content submission shares your content on platforms like HubPages, Squidoo, and blogs. Promoting it on social media platforms drives traffic through contextual links, expanding your online presence. Rely on GrowYourCorp for effective Web 2.0 submission strategies.

Competitor Backlinks:

Analyzing competitor backlinks provides insights into strategies and opportunities for SEO improvement. Assess competitors' online performance, backlinks, and authority to enhance your backlink profile. Choose GrowYourCorp for research-driven SEO improvements.

Social Posting:

Social posting enhances your content’s visibility by sharing important URLs on social media platforms. Leverage social sharing capabilities to increase visibility, attract a broader audience, and boost traffic. Trust GrowYourCorp for effective social posting strategies.

Structured Data Implementation: Normal

Structured data implementation involves organizing and formatting webpage data for search engines. Normal implementation ensures search engines easily interpret content, enhancing search visibility and relevance. Rely on GrowYourCorp for effective structured data implementation, attracting a targeted audience to your site.

Structured Data Implementation: Advanced

In the SEO domain, advanced structured data implementation takes data markup to new heights, crucial for aiding search engines in comprehending and presenting content effectively. This technique enhances website resilience in the ever-evolving SEO landscape, particularly with regular SERP updates from Google. By standing out in search results, advanced structured data offers users rich and precise information, ultimately amplifying online visibility and ensuring content remains relevant and accessible.

Press Releases of Our Choice:

Press release submission involves crafting and distributing newsworthy announcements about company events, products, or services to PR sites. This off-page SEO strategy is a potent way to enhance your site’s SEO, elevating online presence and increasing visibility for events, products, or services. By strategically using press releases, you amplify your brand’s reach in the digital space, driving more traffic to your website and creating a lasting impact.

Business Intelligence:

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process that converts data into actionable insights, empowering decision-makers. It encompasses data collection, preparation, analysis, and visualization, facilitating informed decision-making. BI leverages data from various sources, creating dashboards, reports, and visualizations to enhance operational and strategic decision-making. By enabling data-driven insights, BI plays a pivotal role in improving organizational performance and shaping future strategies.

Competitive Intelligence:

Competitive intelligence involves systematically gathering, evaluating, and applying information related to competitors, consumers, and market dynamics. This data-driven practice equips companies with the knowledge needed to gain a competitive edge. Analyzing market trends, competitor strategies, and consumer behavior helps businesses make informed decisions, stay ahead in a competitive landscape, and achieve sustainable growth.

Gap Strategies:

Strategic gap analysis identifies disparities between desired outcomes and actual results, providing recommendations on how to bridge these gaps. This process optimizes operations, sets realistic goals, and aligns with objectives. Gap strategies pinpoint areas for improvement, guiding businesses toward effective decision-making and resource allocation.

SWOT Strategies:

SWOT analysis assists organizations in formulating plans for objectives, enhancing operations, and remaining competitive. By evaluating internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external Opportunities and Threats, organizations gain a comprehensive understanding of their market, products, and competitive landscape. Armed with this knowledge, businesses develop strategies for sustainable growth and better decision-making.

Skyscraper Technique:

The skyscraper technique involves identifying popular online content, improving its quality, and garnering backlinks to increase a website’s authority. This strategy aims to enhance a site’s online visibility and attract a larger audience by actively promoting superior content.

Daily Updates (Mon – Fri):

Daily updates on technical SEO and on-page/off-page activities provide transparency for clients. Tailored to client requirements, these reports keep clients informed about digital marketing initiatives' progress, changes, and achievements, ensuring their active involvement in the optimization process.

Reputation Management:

Reputation management involves monitoring and controlling an individual’s or group’s public image and perception, especially in the digital age. Reputation management firms specialize in shaping and maintaining a positive online image, responding to feedback, and managing information about a person, organization, or brand.

Penalty Recovery:

Penalty recovery services aim to identify and rectify issues leading to a decline in website traffic or rankings. These services restore website performance, addressing root causes of penalties and ensuring the website attracts the desired audience.

Edu Submissions:

Edu backlinks, originating from educational institutions’ websites, enhance website visibility on search engines. These high-quality backlinks contribute to improved SERP rankings, building authority for your website and attracting more organic traffic.

High TLD Links:

Focusing on high-quality Top-Level Domains (TLDs) in link submissions enhances a website’s credibility. These high TLD links carry more weight in search engine algorithms, positively impacting search engine rankings and overall online visibility.

Link Wheel:

The Link Wheel SEO technique involves creating interconnected blogs or microsites in a circular pattern. This approach efficiently builds tiered links, increasing web page rankings, and contributing to better search engine rankings and overall visibility.


SENuke TNG is a potent SEO tool for securing high-quality backlinks quickly, ranking chosen keywords at the top of search engine results. Implementing SENuke TNG enhances a website’s online authority and visibility, providing a competitive edge in the SEO landscape.

Tiered Links:

Tiered link building involves creating backlinks for existing backlinks, increasing link juice flow. This enhances the authority and credibility of links, contributing to better search engine rankings and overall visibility.

Keyword Drop Analysis:

Keyword drop analysis comprehensively examines reasons behind a specific keyword's ranking loss. Reports generated from this analysis identify causes and effective strategies for restoring or elevating the keyword’s position in search engine results.

Search Console Optimization:

Optimize your website through Google’s Search Console for measuring search traffic and performance. Fine-tune SEO based on insights to enhance visibility and overall search engine performance. Trust GrowYourCorp for effective Search Console optimization.

Pro-active Analysis:

Proactive SEO analysis benefits search engine ranking and enhances user experience. Identifying and implementing SEO strategies that offer long-term benefits contribute to a user-friendly interface, creating a win-win situation for search engines and site visitors.

Real-Time Support:

Efficient real-time support and customer service are essential for immediate information exchange and learning, fostering a positive user experience and building trust and confidence in your brand.

SAAS-Based Operations on SEO Automation:

SAAS-based operations (SaaSOps) pertain to operational processes related to the discovery, purchase, management, and cancellation of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. Efficient SaaSOps ensures businesses maximize the value of their software investments while maintaining security, compliance, and efficiency.

Gap Analysis Practices:

Gap analysis is a meticulous evaluation of your current performance, identifying disparities between your present status and desired goals. Following industry best practices, we bridge these gaps effectively, providing suitable solutions. Trust GrowYourCorp for a comprehensive approach to gap analysis, ensuring optimal performance alignment.